It's connected though an 802.11AC connection. I forget the speeds off hand, but somewhere around 400+ Mbs when I have the antenna set right. That's fast enough for a decent remote desktop connection.
Here is one of the first images taken totally on remote control. It was about 29 degrees out that night and just miserable outside - but very clear. I ran out and hooked up the camera, aligned, got calibrated the autoguiding, focused what I needed to focus, then ran back in the house.
It all worked very well! I did have some minor dome/scope alignment issues, but I'll work on that.
Here is the Horsehead and Flame nebulas in Orion. 7 images at around 5 minutes each, ISO 800 and a few at 1000, Canon 60DA with CLS filter, imaged through Orion 80ED, guided with Starshoot autoguider on a 50mm finder.
A little snow, but cleared up nicely after this. |
Success! Indoor control of the observatory. |
Not a bad image of Horsehead. Easy to see the darker skies here at Crest! |